So, a while back I came across a video about the true location of the lost city of Atlantis (you can download it here Out of curiosity, I watched the first half or so of it, just till the part where they tell about the actual location. Apparently, Atlantis isn't under the sea.
It's in Africa, in the middle of a fucking desert.
So, according to these folks, Atlantis is in an area in northern Africa known as Richat. You can actually see it on Google maps.
According to Plato, Atlantis' main city was this round city, consisting of a bunch of circles (one circle land, once circle water, one circle land, etc) so that the whole place looks like a bulls eye. Plato even gave some measurements on the circumference, and the Richat more or less has the same size. All in all, this place looks exactly the same as Plato described it.
But why is it in Africa?
Well, seems that the sea levels 12 000 years ago were a bit different. Most of northern Africa was under water. They say this because according to the website, there are boreholes surrounding Richat that provide salt water, and they found some fishing artifacts in the area.
So perhaps they have a point here?
Which brings me to my second topic, Freemasons.
I know a few Freemasons personally, and contrary to popular belief, not everything they do is a secret. If you want, you can actually go inside the temple, and they will even tell you about the symbolism in the figures and shapes and everything they have there.
So, one of the main symbols of the Freemasons are the square and compass, also the letter G. And the first thing I noticed when I watched the documentary, are those symbols flying by in the title.
That got me thinking, why would Freemasons make a documentary about Atlantis?
I've been inside the masonic temple a few times, even though I'm not a mason myself. They were kind enough to explain to me the symbolism behind everything in the temple (literally everything inside there has a meaning). So I though back on what I saw inside the temple, as well as what is known about Atlantis.
First thing, Plato describe Atlantis as being south of the Pillars of Hercules. Now, this is actually the Strait of Gibraltar, but I'm going back to the Pillars part.
Inside the masonic temple, there are two pillars, behind the chair of the master. One of them holds up a globe of the earth, another one a globe of the sky. Now, as we all know, in mythology the guy who is supposed to hold up the earth is Atlas, right?
I'll give you one guess to the name of the Mayor of Atlantis... That's right, Atlas!
Atlantis was in it's time one of the greatest powers of the world, the same way the Freemasons are still one of the most powerful organizations Earth.
Plato had a great influence on Freemasonry and the masonic ritual. So, what is the truth behind Atlantis? What is the secret that the Freemasons are hiding?
Well, probably not this. But it's fun to speculate XD