Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Life is a circuitboard

We face problems daily in our lives. Some big, some small, some in a personal environment and some in a work environment. And everyone of us handle those problems differently. Especially when they start to gang up on us.

I got in a conversation with an indian guy today and he told me something we all know, but rarely think about when push comes to shove.

When we have a bunch of problems, tasks, or whatever, we tend to start at one end, and work our way through to the end. But what if the first step doesn't work? What if the first thing you have to do, fails? When that happens, we have the habit of becoming so fixated on fixing that problem that we forget about the others. Subconsciously we believe that in order to move on to the next task, we MUST finish the first task first. This causes us to lose a lot of time at the end of the day.

What we should do in cases such as that, is just to move on to the next step anyway, because maybe that step will work. If we go through all the steps and finish the ones that go without a hitch first, and save the problematic ones for later, we have all the time left to spend on those problem tasks, whereas if you have done things in a linear way, you might have wasted all your time on one task, which most likely isn't even the top priority task on the list.

We must remember that our life is connected in parallel, not in series. If one component fails, it's not supposed to bring down the whole circuit. 

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